Suggestion for:(Forum/Server):Suggestion is for Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): Suggestion is to create a command which can be used to ignore the players in the server , this command will only benefit EC Staff and EC Players, any players who uses this command will not be able to see messages of the particular players whom he ignored,also administrators/Moderators or any form of server staff will be disallowed to use this command . and some of you already know why it should be disabled for admins
Extra notes:This simple command will keep EC staff away from players who can't ignore someone on their own, this command will save those who get provoked in the server , so after utilizing this command no-one could provoke or abuse anyone, if someone still reports anyone on the reason of abuse and so on than it will be his fault as why he did not utilized this command.
so decide for yourself administrators what you actually want, you want to keep on banging your head with these sort of topics
here is an example
another one
oh wait theres more
this one.....
why oh why i see these sort of topics at forum mostly
what i just noticed that this list goes on and will keep on going if you want more examples explore ec forum .
another additional notes for players if you can't handle the reaction then try not to provoke someone, you will always get this reaction if you keep on provoking they will keep on abusing and to solve this issue we all have to stand together to prevent it,
choice is yours vote for your selfs admins votes counts as much as players .