Suggestion for:(Forum/Server) : Server
Your suggestion(please include as much info as you can): I'm gonna suggest about the mystery boxes in server, Please remove timer from mystery box, I mean whenever we teleport and see mystery box, We aren't able to pick it because of timer, Please remove timer from mystery boxes or decrease time to 30/60 seconds, It would be better for players in the server.
Extra notes:
Explained timer's disadvantages-We aren't able to pick it after teleportation.
-Timer is quite long, We can't take it even in 3 minutes.
-Mystery disappears if pick it after teleportation, Then we have to find another one.
For Example: If someone teleports to the mall, And he sees mystery box. He is waiting from 2 minutes and he tried to pick it, He wont be able to pick it due to timer, He is still waiting at same place for next two minutes but there is no any mystery box locates at same place, because it disappears, Because when we pick it after teleportation it's auto disappears from the server. Then the player have to find other one.
P.S: It would be better for players if Human's remove timer from the mystery boxes. Thanks