Player Nick: [MD]KamaKaZe
Date: Today
Reason for reporting: Pause evade/F1
Extra Note:
Okay so let's start , i reported an player KamaKaze specifically for death-evade , uploaded an video which i'll link down here as a reference.
KillerX replied on the topic and asked Kamakaze to explain and gave him 24 hours, and afterwards Darkwolf appeared like he always does interfering somewhere where he isn't mentioned nor related, anyways Darkwolf said it's Desync , here is what killerX wrote for Darkwolf "No, look at his body moves he suddenly moved and then again stopped what i see is its clear deathevade but i will discuss with fellow staff members to avoid any mistake" , and killerX stood on this theory for the rest of the topic, Madkiller how can we forget about him, he simply is declaring me a lagger and calling it a desync bug , and later on killerX bans the guy.
now please note that i just simply provided the video proof of what happened and reported an player, it was killerX who gave his theory of alt-tabbing it wasn't me, KillerX was the one arguing that it's an evade it wasn't me.
so he banned the guy but at midnight they edited my video and reloaded in which they are declaring me a lagger , and saying that due to beyek's lag he couldn't hit Kamakaze but they forgot that PL2 also records his gameplay and he was the one who knocked kamakaze down, Notice the lead aim PL2 used to knock him down which clearly states that it wasn't me, in PL2's video Kamakaze is having same effect as mine, he got knocked down on the floor and than me and PL2 we both shot him but our bullets had no effect and the theory which KillerX stated before for death-evade same thing happened here too, Kamakaze got up moved a little same as mine video.
now one thing is clear that it isn't desync since it's impossible to be desync on both screens, second thing let's assume for a moment KillerX i was lagging than why same effect is showing on PL2's screen too? even PL2 shot him too but yet no effect which can be seen on his video.
now don't please don't say that PL2 was lagging too he clearly shows his and mine ping in his Video .
Also i want each and every admin to look into this case and drop your thoughts , considering the fact that same effect described by killerX in both screens .
i'll attach mine and PL2's videos here and will link the topics related to this report for reference
note that provoking or insulting replies won't be tolerated i request moderaters to keep an eye whoever uses vulgar language or anything like that he should be banned from posting
also please don't lock this thread or anything .
Evidence:(Screenshots, videos..etc)
Evidence : 1 Beyek and PL2 both videos combine of same scenario.
Evidence: 2 mine video
Evidence: 3 PL2 Video
My previous Report:
KamekaZe Ban Appeal: